Pho Ha Noi is a special dish in Vietnamese cuisine. Pho’s taste is attractive, delicious, and nutritious, and it can be eaten at any time of the day.

Since when did Pho Ha Noi exist?
In Vietnam, every region has pho. However, the taste is different. Normally, pho in the North is characterized by a salty taste, while pho in the South is sweet and full of vegetables. Of which Pho Ha Noi is the most famous.
Talking about the origin of Pho, there are still open questions. Just know that, in the 1940s, pho was very popular in Hanoi. It is the daily food of all classes of society, especially civil servants and workers. People eat pho in the morning, eat pho at lunch, and eat pho in the evening.
Over the years, pho has still been handed down and preserved. It has become a specialty not only of Hanoi but also a famous Vietnamese culinary brand. Hanoians love pho, and international visitors to Hanoi also enjoy enjoying a bowl of pho in this thousand-year-old city.
Features of Pho Ha Noi
Pho Ha Noi’s main ingredients are rice noodles and broth, along with thinly sliced beef or boiled chicken. “Banh pho” traditionally, is made from rice flour, coated in thin sheets, and then cut into long strands.

The broth is simmered from beef bones, pork bones, and spices including cinnamon, anise, ginger, cardamom, cloves, dried onions,… Each pho shop has its own broth recipe, which they keep secret.
After finishing the broth, put the pho noodles in a bowl and then boil them in boiling water. Then, put the broth in the bowl that has the prepared noodles, beef, and green onions in it, and you can enjoy it. When eating pho, diners also eat with spices such as pepper, sliced chili, lemon, and chili sauce.
Pho Ha Noi always possesses an outstanding and special taste in Vietnamese cuisine. Pho is not only a dish whose main ingredients are made from fresh rice noodles but also a combination of other ingredients and flavors. Most especially, the broth is sweet, rich, and full of herbs mixed with the right spices. When enjoying a hot bowl of pho, the natural aromas of beef and bone broth create a very unique flavor that cannot be mixed.

There are many pho restaurants in Hanoi. You can easily enjoy them on any street. Or ask locals or hotels, they’ll point you to some great restaurants near your place. offers famous Vietnamese specialties that are popular with tourists. Besides, we provide the right ingredients to make unique Vietnamese dishes around the world.